Sunday, July 17, 2011

And We Go Out With a Whimper

Overall, TV Turn-Off Week was successful, but we didn't go the whole week. 

I didn't cave, exactly.  Dylan got sick.  Wake-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night and throw-up-all-over-the-floor sick.  Stay-home-from-camp sick.  I just couldn't say "no TV" on a sick day, which was Friday. 

I had originally said two hours only, then went off to work.  He conveniently neglected to mention the time limit to his dad. 

It's okay - it meant we got to watch the last episode of Friday Night Lights.  Well, RockStar did.  I ducked out to get Dylan down and missed the last 10 minutes.  We didn't realize it was a 90-minute episode.  (Who does that?)

I have to say that it went well, although a large part of the reason is that we had a lot going on - Kung Fu, Youth Group, and other activities that took up the evening. 

The arguments over TV have already started back up.  In fact, there's one going on in the background as I type this very sentence!

So, did TV Turn-Off Week have an impact?  I honestly don't know.  It was pretty pleasant for me.  And until the TV actually got turned back on, it was pretty well understood that it wasn't coming on.  But we seem to be right back to where we started.  Dylan would be perfectly happy if the TV were on all the time, if we let him always choose what to watch.  It's really almost an addictive situation, and I really don't know what to do about it.

Do we kill the TV?  Although I'm not a big TV watcher there are a few things I enjoy and RockStar definitely enjoys it.  Would that be spiting the rest of the family?  And with videos on the computer, would Dylan just find a way to watch that way? 

The latter half of this week has been bad, unrelated to TV Turn-Off Week (I think!?).  I'm feeling as bleak as the weather we're having (gray and rainy). 


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  2. I do find in certain kids tv is addictive. My two older kids like it but will move on after a while and read or go do something else. For my 10 yr old adhd kid, it is something he hyperfocuses on. When he can't do it, it is an endless loop in his head of when he can get back to it. I find the only way to deal with this is to eliminate the loop entirely by taking it off the list of possibility. If it isn't a choice, he is relieved from having to think about it.

    Killing it entirely? For our family, not an option. It has it's place.
